Hartwood Chiropractic
Hartwood Chiropractic has 20 years of Chiropractic experience with a support team lead by Dr. Frank LeDonne. Dr. LeDonne utilizes hands on Chiropractic techniques to meet the individual needs of each patient. He objectively measures all of your results with state of the art technology and healthcare systems. Hartwood Chiropractic is next door to River Therapies and we are proud to partner with such a well established group of professionals in our community.
At River Therapies we understand that Physical Therapists and Chiropractors can work together to provide an effective, efficient, and all-comprehensive treatment plan for the patient to make the most progress. Using this all-inclusive approach to your health, spinal, musculoskeletal disorders and neurological pathways can all be treated to ensure a complete plan to recovery!
River Therapies Provides
Psychological Evaluations
Social Work
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy